Hot Sites
April 02, 2004
The Hot Sites team is:
Fr. Brian Cavanaugh (FBC), Shannon Gazze (SG), Benny Schalin (BSch),
Karen Schubert (KS) and the Hot Sites support staff (HSS).
Current Time Around the World
Saturday night it's time to jump
forward. (And though every year
we grouse that the news media
can't seem to stop talking about
it, we also note that somehow
there's one clock in the hour that
manages to miss the big change.
Since we suspect you have one of
those clocks too, we figured we'd
join the throng of reminders this
time around.) Siberian-born New
Yorker does a good job of
presenting the time all over the
globe, including in those truly odd
locales (Oceania, Antarctica) that
make it rather complicated to
know when you are. - HSS