27 December 2012 -
"Russians want winter time back", Pravda
"Russians want winter time back"
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Photo © Alexander Krivenyshev, WorldTimeZone.com
State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to retrieve winter time in Russia. The letter with the request to the Prime Minister was signed by Naryshkin and sent to Medvedev on December 26.
In the near future, Naryshkin plans to sign a request from Russian MPs on the time issue in Russia. "Such an appeal must be prepared. Monday or Tuesday, as soon as the relevant committee prepares it, I will, of course, sign it," said the speaker.
Russia did not switch to winter time in the summer of 2011 under the order from then-President Dmitry Medvedev. A little more than a year later, the head of the Committee for Health of the State Duma, Sergei Kalashnikov, proposed to switch to permanent winter time. Deputies supported his initiative. Vladimir Putin later stated that this issue should be considered at the governmental level.
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Александр Кривенышев (Alexander Krivenyshev, World Time Zone)
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