03/24/2010, Gaza - "Hamas cabinet: Summer Time starts Saturday", Maan News Agency
See Middle East / Western Asia Time Zone Map with current time
In a third and final government announcement, Gaza leaders declared Summer Time will start on Saturday, one day after Israeli and West Bank clocks are set to spring forward.
The decision also marks a first since the history of daylight savings time in the region, where the Israeli and Palestinian governments all decided, however independently, to change clocks within 24 hours of each other.
At 12:01am Friday, clocks in Israel and the West Bank will change to 1:01am, while Gaza clocks will change at 12:01am Saturday morning.
In past years, clocks in Jerusalem, Gaza City and Ramallah changed within days or even weeks of each other, causing confusion for the dispersed Palestinian population, particularly during the fall of 2008 and 2009, when Ramadan fasting times differed in each area.
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